Circuito Lirico Lombardo

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The Circuito Lirico Lombardo is a project association of theaters in Lombardy that has existed since 1979 for the purpose of jointly realizing opera productions. In this way, demanding productions can be financed more easily and made accessible to a larger audience.

Participating venues

The following theaters, which have been publicly known under the name OperaLombardia since 2017, are involved:

  • Teatro Grande di Brescia,
  • Teatro Sociale di Como,
  • Teatro Ponchielli di Cremona,
  • Teatro Fraschini di Pavia.
  • Teatro Donizetti di Bergamo

The Associazione Lirica e Concertistica Italiana (As.Li.Co.), based at the Teatro Sociale di Como, organizes an annual competition, the winners of which are awarded roles in the productions of the Circuito Lirico Lombardo.

Other theaters can also take over productions from the Circuito Lirico Lombardo.

Web link

OperaLombardia (in Italian)

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Circuito Lirico Lombardo. Éuropolis Lombardia, accessed November 5, 2017 (Italian).
  2. OperaLombardia: Chi siamo. Retrieved November 5, 2017 (Italian).
  3. As.Li.Co. Teatro Sociale di Como, accessed on November 6, 2017 .
  4. ^ Associazione Lirica e Concertistica Italiana. Website, accessed November 7, 2017 (Italian).