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Typical Madeira Colheita

The term Colheita describes a type of port wine or, in some cases, Madeira wine that has matured for at least 7 years in wooden barrels and that consists of the grapes from a single vintage , which is stated on the label . A Colheita lies between a “Vintage” (a vintage, but matured in the bottle) and an “Old Tawny” (matured in a wooden barrel, but a blend of different vintages).

Colheita is Portuguese and literally means "harvest", related to wine "grape harvest", in the broader sense [wine] - "vintage".

Colheitas are enjoying increasing popularity and more and more port and Madeira houses are adding this type to their range. But there are also houses where Colheitas have been cultivated as a tradition for many decades ( Kopke , Niepoort, Barros, ...).
