Comisión México-Británica de Reclamaciones

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The Comisión México-Británica de Reclamaciones , English Great Britain and Mexican Claims Commission, was an intergovernmental tribunal of the governments of the United Kingdom and the United States of Mexico .

On November 19, 1926, representatives of the governments of Mexico and the United Kingdom signed an agreement that provided for the establishment of an arbitration commission.

Alfred Rudolph Zimmermann served as chairman of this Anglo-Mexican Claims Commission from 1927 to 1932. Benito Flores Martínez was commissioned by the Mexican government and was replaced by Genaro Fernández McGregor in January 1932 .

Until December 6, 1929 Sir John H. Percival and then William Henry Stoker was commissioned by the British government.

On the occasion of the Mexican Revolution , Mexico concluded similar arbitration agreements with the United States (September 8, 1923), France (September 25, 1924) and the German Reich (March 16, 1925).


  • Sir John H. Percival: International Arbitral Tribunals and the Mexican Claims Commissions. Journal of Comparative Legislation and International Law 1937, pp. 98-104 (English)
  • G. Godfrey Phillips: The Anglo-Mexican Special Claims Commission. Law Quarterly Review 1933, pp. 226–229 (English)

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Geraldine Halls: Talking to Strangers University of Minnesota Press, 1985 (English)
  2. cf. Zimmermann, Alfred Rudolph Website of the Federal Archives , accessed on October 21, 2018
  4. Memoria de la Secretaría de Relaciones Exteriores Volume 1, La Secretaría, 1931 (Spanish)
  5. Lorenzo Meyer: Su Majestad Británica contra la Revolución Méxicana, 1900-1950: el fin de un imperio informal Colegio de México, Centro de Estudios Internacionales, 1991, p. 432 (Spanish)
  6. cf. the overview International Claims Commissions, accessed on October 21, 2018 (English)