Comisión Nacional de Educación Física

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The Comisión Nacional de Educación Física (CNEF) (in German: National Sports Commission ) is a central, state institution in Uruguay .

Story and goal

The body established on July 28, 1911 on the basis of Law No. 3.798 aims to promote physical culture within the country. The CNEF initially had a budget of 50,000 pesos per year. In addition to the construction of sports fields and playgrounds, this should in particular serve to organize annual athletic amateur competitions and award prizes to the victorious competition participants. In addition, according to Article 7 of its normative basis, it has the right to make proposals to the executive with regard to targeted measures in relation to the purpose of the institution. Originally not having a budget of its own, it had had a self-administered housekeeping since 1923. In 1923, 1930 and 1946 the CNEF then set up national development plans.

The phase of financial autonomy was followed by the subordination of the CNEF as an executive unit ( Unidad Ejecutora ) under the supervision of the Ministry of Education and Culture ( Ministerio de Educación y Cultura ) from 1966 . In the 1990s, the annual budget was roughly the equivalent of 360,000 US dollars, as it had around 1.8 million US dollars at its disposal in the five-year budget assessment period. For the year 1995 a number of 620 lecturers with a total staffing of 1223 persons was shown for the CNEF. Nowadays she also has additional skills. It is responsible for requests for support from sports associations. It is also responsible for setting up the national register of sports organizations ( Registro de Institutiones Deportivas ). Planning, construction and maintenance as well as the supervision of the sports facilities by trained sports teachers, whose training also falls within their area of ​​responsibility, is also part of their range of tasks, as is sports medical monitoring or, in relation to clubs and associations, their recognition, registration, control and promotion.

Management structure

The facility's management initially consisted of a board of directors made up of eleven honorary members selected by the executive, plus the university rector, the director of the military school, the president of the national council for hygiene and the primary school inspector. From 1918 there was a rotating presidency. Five years later there was an organizational centralization of the teachers of physical education, the university and the public sports fields, which still exists today. Further historical development steps were the transformation in 1943 into the Comisión Coordinadora de la Educación Física with a board of directors consisting of nine people . Eight members of the board of directors belonged to different state bodies. This went hand in hand with an expansion of competencies to the management of state physical education as well as the transfer of the control function of public shows and physical exercises. In 1953 a further modification of the board structure followed.

organization structure

Main departments ( divisiones ):

  • Legal Department ( Jurídica )
  • Human Resources Department ( Recursos Humanos )
  • Public Relations ( Relaciones Publicas )
  • General Secretariat ( Secretaría General )
  • Construction Department ( Arquitectura )
  • Administration ( Administración )
  • Medical department ( Médica ), (among other things responsible for the implementation of national doping controls and the issuance of the fitness certificate )
  • Maintenance ( Producción, Abastecimiento y Mantenimiento )
  • Accounting ( Financiero Contable )
  • Teaching ( Docente )
