Comissão de Coordenação e Desenvolvimento Regional

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"" As CCDR são serviços desconcentrados do Ministério das Cidades, Ordenamento do Território e Ambiente (MCOTA), dotados de autonomia administrativa e financeira, incumbidos de executar ao nível das respectivas áreas geográficas de actuaçramento as políticas de ambiente, de oróticas de ambiente conservação da natureza e da biodiversidade, de utilização sustentável dos recursos naturais, de requalificação urbana, de planeamento estratégico regional e de apoio às autarquias locais e suas associações, tendo em vista o desenvolvimento regional integrado. "

"German translation: The CCDR are decentralized services of the Ministry for Cities, Spatial Planning and Environment (MCOTA), which are endowed with administrative and financial autonomy and are mandated to carry out political measures with regard to the environment, spatial planning and nature conservation in their area of ​​responsibility, to promote nature and biodiversity, the sustainable use of natural resources, urban renewal, strategic planning and regional support for local authorities with a view to integrated regional development. "

- Legislative Decree 104/2003, of May 23rd, article 1, paragraph I.
Current breakdown of the CCDR

The Comissãos de Coordenação e Desenvolvimento Regional (CCDR) in accordance with Legislative Decree 104/2003 decentralized departments of the central government, which are equipped with administrative and financial autonomy, and the task have to implement measures that are useful for the development of each region. The CCDR only exist in mainland Portugal.

The CCDR merged with the Comissões de Coordenação Regional (CCR) in 2003. Since then, they have had authority over regional environmental and spatial planning, so these are also decentralized services of the central state. Before 2003, however, the CCR had already worked in a similar function to the CCDR. The regional advisory councils were established in 1979 after the planning regions had been set up in 1969 under the government of Marcelo Caetano in order to achieve a fair regional distribution of the development of the Third Development Plan. At first, the CCR only had functions of coordinating the work of the Municípios , until its powers were greatly expanded by the end of the twentieth century.

The CCDR organizational structure is quite complex. It consists of a chairman of the CCDR, a board of directors, an examination committee and a regional council.

None of these bodies are directly elected and the President of the CCDR is appointed by the Portuguese government for a period of 3 years.

The area of ​​application of the CCDR corresponds entirely to the statistical units NUTS II in the rest of Europe. The only exception was the area of ​​the CCDR Lisbon and Tejo Valley, where there was a NUTS II unit until 2002 that corresponded to the area of ​​the respective CCDR.

In 2002, however, for the distribution of EU funds from the European Union, the Lisbon and Tagus Valley NUTS II unit, which consisted of 5 NUTS III units, was dissolved and its territory was distributed to several other NUTS II units: one NUTS III Unit was assigned to the Alentejo and two to the center, and the two remaining NUTS III units formed the new Lisbon NUTS II unit.

There are currently five Comissãos de Coordenação e Desenvolvimento Regional .

Individual evidence

  1. Decree-Law 104/2003, de 27 de Maio
  2. a b c d Legislative Decree 104/2003, of May 27th