Comprecht practitioner

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Comprechts practitioner

description Trade journal for banking law, banking supervision and compliance
Area of ​​Expertise Banking law, banking supervisory law, compliance
language German
publishing company Finance Colloquium Heidelberg
Frequency of publication Every two months (6 issues a year)
Editor-in-chief Christine Glemser
editor Finance Colloquium Heidelberg
Web link
ISSN (print)

The magazine Comprechts-Praktiker (own spelling with internal major : CompRechtsPraktiker ) is a specialist magazine for banks and agents with current information on banking law, banking supervisory issues and all compliance-related issues.

The Comprechts-Praktiker (CRP) appears every two months. In 48 pages, it provides information on trends, current case law and other practice-relevant information on all aspects of banking law, banking supervision and compliance. The problems highlighted in the magazine are always integrated into the work processes in the bank with the help of the clear practical approach. The articles are mainly written by lawyers from the legal departments of banks and savings banks and compliance officers from these institutes. Judges, bank regulators and specialized lawyers also have their say.

Web links