Consejo Cultural Mundial

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World Cultural Council ( dt. : World Cultural Council ; Engl. : World Cultural Council ) is a 1982 in Mexico , founded global association for the promotion of humanistic and cultural sciences. The worldwide members of the committee come from various scientific fields.

The founding members included the Mexican José Rafael Estrada, the Americans Norman Borlaug , Christian B. Anfinsen and Paul R. Ehrlich , the Argentine Eduardo de Robertis , the British Harold G. Callan and Gerald Durrell , the French Jacques E. Dubois , the Swiss Werner Arber , the Dane Aage N. Bohr , the Philippine Francisco J. Dy , the Australian John Carew Eccles , the German Manfred Eigen , the Moroccan Mohammed El Fasi , the South African Phillip V. Tobias and Charles Tanford .

Consejo Cultural Mundial Awards

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