Continental Rails II

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Continental Rails II is a railroad game offered as a play-by-email game in English, French and German by Epistoludisme & Cie . It is set in the USA in the 19th century.

Game description

The playing field, which shows the USA and neighboring countries, is divided into regions that can be accessed by rail. At the beginning of the game, the individual route sections are given, but not yet built on. In addition, the economic importance of the cities with one to five points is determined. On the one hand, the 10–15 players are active as investors. On the other hand, you can run up to two railroad companies yourself if you have enough shares.

A player can place bids for private railways. Later he can convert a private railway into a stock company or merge with a stock company. Since he keeps part of the new shares, he has a chance of becoming railroad president. Furthermore, the player can trade railroad shares on the stock exchange. He can buy stocks that he thinks are cheap and then sell them again later. During the holding period, he receives dividends in return . He can also sell uncovered stocks that he believes are overvalued. After all, he can aim for a majority stake in a railroad by buying shares in order to become its president. The player uses his (virtual) cash for his investments. In addition, he receives a loan from the bank. The credit limits are based on the amount of assets and the economic situation. The more money a player makes, the better his chances are in the Robber Baron category . This evaluates the player's fortune. But he can also donate his money to a charitable cause and use it to collect points in the Rail Prodigal category .

A player who is the president of a railway company can issue orders for his railway. Among other things, it can set the amount of the dividend. He can determine in which direction the routes will be expanded. Within the framework of the rules of the game, he can also do business in his own pocket by awarding overpriced construction contracts. The most shareholder-friendly President receives the most points in the Rail Mogul category , the fastest route builder in the Rail Builder category and the President whose trains travel the most areas in the Rail Magnat category .

The main objective of the game is to get the most points in the Rail Baron category , a combination of the five categories described above.


As a predecessor to Continental Rails II , the postal game Continental Rails was developed by John and Laurie Van De Graaf. Continental Rails was offered in the US by Graaf Simulations , in the UK by Madhouse and in Germany (under the title Railway ) by Peter Stevens Postspiele .

Continental Rails II ran at Dynamic Games in the USA . Roland Danard from the French company Epistoludisme & Cie is currently running the game. operates a forum for German-speaking players.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ↑ Proof of copyright in the game instructions . Retrieved May 20, 2020.
  2. a b c PBM Boneyard . Retrieved May 20, 2020.
  3. PBM Wiki . Retrieved May 20, 2020.
  4. . Retrieved May 20, 2020.