Corporate soul

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The Corporate Soul (CS) and corporate soul is the soul of brands, companies , products or services .


Every company (or every product, every service or brand) has a personality and is therefore characterized by certain characteristics and properties. Working out the essential characteristics of a company is fundamental to defining corporate soul. These form the essence, which is condensed again in corporate soul and represented by it. In order to facilitate the identification with the corporate soul, she is often presented as a person who combines all the characteristics of the essence. As “spirit”, the corporate soul can be found in all manifestations of a brand or a company: from logo, corporate design elements and exhibition stands to websites or architecture. The actions and behavior of employees are also shaped and guided by the corporate soul. Because the personality can be found on all levels, the company or the product is perceived as authentic. This makes corporate soul an element of identity in brand communication - internally and externally.


The term corporate soul is also used in the area of ​​corporate management. Books have been published in the United States that give advice on how a company should be run in order to promote employee productivity and creativity.

See also


  • "Creating the Corporate Soul: The Rise of Public Relations and Corporate Imagery in American Big Business", Roland Marchand, Berkeley 2001.
  • "Saving the Corporate Soul - and (who knows?) Maybe your own", David Batstone, 2003.