Corporate Concentratie

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The Corporatieve Concentratie was a Dutch , fascist , political organization that existed for six months from 1933 to 1934.

In September 1933 Jan Baars, F. C. Gerretson, Wouter Lutkie, Jos Mineur and others began to work together in an association called the Corporatieve Concentratie. They tried to bundle the various Dutch fascist small parties and groups. The organization included parties such as the Algemene Nederlandse Fascistenbond (General Dutch Fascist Association), the Fascist Jongeren Bond (Fascist Youth Association) and the Nationale Unie (National Union). It is likely that the emergence and strengthening of the National Socialist Movement of Anton Adriaan Mussert promoted the idea of ​​cooperation between the Dutch fascists. In March 1934, after only six months, the organization ceased its activities, especially because of the different ideas of the founders.