Corpus of archaeological sources on early history in the area of ​​the German Democratic Republic

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The corpus of archaeological sources on early history in the area of ​​the German Democratic Republic (7th - 12th centuries) was compiled by the Central Institute for Ancient History and Archeology of the Academy of Sciences of the GDR and by Joachim Herrmann and Peter Donat in the Berlin Academy Verlag in several Deliveries issued with a text volume and a plate part each. The political division of the GDR into districts and districts followed:

  1. Delivery: Districts of Rostock (western part), Schwerin and Magdeburg. 1973
  2. Delivery: Districts of Rostock (eastern part), Neubrandenburg. 1979
  3. Delivery: Districts Frankfurt, Potsdam, Berlin. 1979
  4. Delivery: Districts Cottbus, Dresden, Karl-Marx-Stadt, Leipzig. 1985
  5. Delivery: Districts Halle, Gera, Erfurt, Suhl. (no longer published)

The scientific editors, who were identified by name at the end of each individual documentation, were responsible for the completeness of the material recording as well as the evaluation and preparation of all existing documents. They were supported by the directors of the museums for prehistory and early history, the directors of the district and local museums and by the voluntary curators.