Cozy thriller

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A cozy crime thriller , sometimes also a cozy crime thriller (such as " Kuschelkrimi "; from the English: cozy , for "cozy, comfortable" ) is a crime novel genre.


It stands out from the thrillers with plenty of action, murder and manslaughter and is written in a narrative style. The more leisurely narrative pace is also a characteristic. Often the criminal case is less the main theme of the novel . The cozy crime thriller has a dense atmosphere and local color . The tension of a cozy thriller consists less of action-packed scenes than of the depths of the characters to be explored. Their psychosocial entanglements within authentic living and working environments, paired with interesting, current topics beyond the gossip and cliché , make up the atmosphere of this genre.



  • Friedbert Aspetsberger, Daniela Strigl: I knew the murderer, I just didn't know who he was: on the crime novel of the present , StudienVerlag, 2004, ISBN 3706519976

Individual evidence

  2. Facets of the crime thriller , by Christin Borgmeier, GRIN Verlag, 2007, ISBN 3638597679, pages 6, 14