
from Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Cruzoob (about "Kreuzler", more precisely it is the Maya plural of the Spanish word cross: Cruz), also Cruzob , Cruzo'ob or in modern Mayathan spelling Kruso'ob was the name of the Maya fighters during the Caste War in the second half of the 19th century, who practiced the cult of the speaking cross . To this day, the term serves as a self-designation for those Maya in Quintana Roo and to a lesser extent in the state of Yucatán who still practice this rite. Today there are several thousand people.

In the ethnographic sense, the term Cruzoob-Maya is sometimes used generally for the Maya in Quintana Roo, who are descendants of the inhabitants of the Mayan state of Chan Santa Cruz , which existed from 1850 to 1901 . Due to the special turn of history in the caste war from 1850 (foundation of the Temple of the Speaking Cross and the city of Chan Santa Cruz) and the associated war economy and culture, these Maya have developed some cultural features that they learned from the Maya in the states of Yucatán and Campeche distinguish.

SIL International uses the term “Maya, Chan Santa Cruz” [yus] for the variant of Mayathan spoken by the approximately 40,000 Cruzoob Maya in order to linguistically differentiate it from other Mayathan speakers (“Maya, Yucatán” [yua]).

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