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As Cysticercoid refers to the emerging infectious second larval stage in tapeworms families Anoplocephala , Davaneidae , Dipylidae and Hymenolepidiae . The cysticercoid arises in the intermediate host from the hook larva . It consists of an anterior vesicle into which the immature scolex is retracted but not invaginated. The rear end of the cysticercoid is drawn out like a tail and has hooks. Cysticercoids occur mainly in tapeworm species in which insects are the first intermediate host. The scolex is released in the intestine of the final host and grows into an adult tapeworm.

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Heinz Mehlhorn: Encyclopedia of Parasitology . Volume 1, Springer Science & Business Media, 2008, ISBN 9783540489948 . P. 316
  2. ^ J. Bereiter-Hahn, AG Matoltsy, KS Richards: Biology of the Integument: Invertebrates. Springer Science & Business Media, 2012, ISBN 9783642515934 , p. 173.