Darul Barakaat Mosque

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The Darul Barakaat Mosque in Birmingham

The Darul Barakaat Mosque is one of the largest mosques in the English city of Birmingham and is located in the Bordesley Green district . It is run by the Ahmadiyya community ( Ahmadiyya Muslim Jamaat ) and was inaugurated by its global leader ( Khalifat ul-Massih ) Mirza Masrur Ahmad in 2004. The ceremonial unveiling was broadcast on Muslim Television Ahmadiyya .

More than £ 1.5 million was spent converting the Grade II listed building into a mosque. According to Syed Farooq Ahmed, chairman of Birmingham's Ahmadiyya Congregation, women donated their jewelry and children donated their pocket money to "make the dream of the mosque come true." "Darul Barakaat" means something like "abode of blessings".

Web links

Commons : Darul Barakaat Mosque  - Collection of Pictures, Videos and Audio Files

Individual evidence

  1. ^ New city mosque a symbol of peace ic birmingham , October 1, 2004

Coordinates: 52 ° 28 '36.2 "  N , 1 ° 51' 54.5"  W.