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Defecogram or defecography is a term from medicine and describes the radiological examination of defecation ( defecation ).

The patient is given a radiopaque contrast medium peranal (through the anus) , after which he is asked to empty the rectum under fluoroscopy with X-rays . The recorded sequence of X-rays allows an assessment of the motor function of the pelvic floor muscles as well as an assessment of bulges in the rectum, so-called rectoceles . Defecography is of great importance in the diagnosis of sphincter dysfunctions , fecal incontinence and other dysfunctions of the pelvic floor .

In the meantime, dynamic magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of the pelvic floor is also performed as a significant improvement in X-ray defecography , in which, in contrast to conventional defecography, there is no radiation exposure. The rectum is filled with water or gel before film sequences of the pelvis are recorded in sagittal image planes (side view). During the subsequent emptying of the bowel, the function or malfunction of the bowel can be easily recognized anatomically. Special complications such as cystocele , rectocele or enterocele are reliably detected.


  • L. Hutzel, C. Paetzel, H. Spatz, A. Fürst. Dynamic pelvic floor MRI and conventional defecography: possibilities and limits. Visceral surgery 2002; 37: 23-29. doi : 10.1055 / s-2002-20329