Denticollis linearis

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Denticollis linearis

Denticollis linearis

Family : Click beetles (Elateridae)
Subfamily : Dendrometrinae
Tribe : Dendrometrini
Sub tribus : Denticollina
Genre : Denticollis
Type : Denticollis linearis
Scientific name
Denticollis linearis
( Linnaeus , 1758)
Denticollis linearis , dorsal view

Denticollis linearis , as Zahnhalsiger beetle , discloses a beetle from the family of beetles (Elateridae).


The slender beetles are 9–12.5 mm long. They have bulging eyes. The coloring is variable. The small, hunched red pronotum is narrower than the elytra . A longitudinal furrow runs centrally over the pronotum. The wing covers are mostly ocher yellow or yellow, sometimes black with yellow edges.


Denticollis linearis is one of 4 species of the genus Denticollis that occur in Central Europe. It is widespread in Europe.

Way of life

The beetles are usually seen in spring from May to June. They are mostly found on bushes or on flowers. The predatory larvae live in the modern wood of deciduous trees.


The following synonyms can be found in the literature :

  • Campylus linearis ( Linnaeus , 1758)
  • Elater linearis Linnaeus , 1758 - original name combination

Individual evidence

  1. Jiři Zahradnik, Irmgard Jung, Dieter Jung et al .: Beetles of Central and Northwestern Europe: an identification book for biologists and nature lovers . Parey, Berlin 1985, ISBN 3-490-27118-1 , pp. 171 .
  2. a b Arved Lompe: Beetle of Europe - Denticollis ., accessed on May 20, 2018 .
  3. a b c d e K. Hurka: Beetles of the Czech and Slovak Republics. Kabourek, Zlin 2005, ISBN 80-86447-11-1 , p. 119.
  4. a b Klaus Koch: Die Käfer Mitteleuropas - Ökologie - Volume 2. Goecke & Evers Verlag, Krefeld 1989, ISBN 3-87263-040-7 , p. 75.

Web links

Commons : Denticollis linearis  - collection of images, videos and audio files