The secret march

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“The secret parade” is a poem by Erich Weinert , which he wrote in 1927. It was set to music by Wladimir Vogel in 1929 on the occasion of the first international anti-war day .

Hanns Eisler set it to music again in 1931 and had it from Ernst Busch a. a. speaking at KPD rallies . It was in this version that it achieved its greatest notoriety. In this version, Ernst Busch sings it at the end of Victor Trivas' film No Man's Land from 1931 .

Ernst Busch included this song in his Spain songbook with a few changes .


The song describes a conspiracy of the "ministers of war", the "coal and steel producers" and "chemical war production" under the slogan "for nation and race" to launch a military attack on the Soviet Union . In the refrain it calls on workers worldwide to resist and to revolution in order to forestall this attack. The "socialist world republic" will arise from the ashes of this struggle. Weinert also included the danger of nuclear war in a later version of the text . The lines are: "Tear the atoms from the militarists / anyway all countries on fire!"