Desarollo sostenible para la Amazonia Peruania

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Desarollo sostenible para la Amazonia Peruania ( DESAP , Spanish for "sustainable development for the Peruvian Amazon region") is an aid organization whose purpose is to encourage disadvantaged, persecuted and / or oppressed people in Peru to help themselves through material support . This applies above all to the Loreto department (state in the Amazon region of Peru), where DESAP is currently running a project.

To this end, DESAP, as a non-governmental organization, advocates global social justice and understanding between cultures in order to gain understanding for socially disadvantaged people in developing countries.

Mi Planta project

The aim of the project: Needy families in the Peruvian Amazon should be enabled to improve their living conditions through their own food production. According to the concept, the families should be able to manage their home gardens completely independently of the project manager after two years at the latest. For the time being, the operation is focused on various quarters in San Juan Bautista (Peru) , a suburb of the city of Iquitos . The majority of the population, who live in poverty, have to get by without running water.

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