Diaba Lompo

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Diaba Lompo is the founder of Gulmu , a historical empire that is largely located in what is now eastern Burkina Faso . According to legend, he came dressed in white and, accompanied by his wife, rode from heaven up a hill in the south of Gulmus (a sandstone rock near Tambarga or the Koudiaboangou hill between Pama and Porga) and installed himself there. The residents of the area accepted him as king. His second son Tidarpo succeeded him.

Individual evidence

  1. N. Gayibor: Histoire des Togolais, Des origines aux années 1960. Tome 1: De l'histoire des origines à l'histoire du peuplement. Karthala Editions, 2011, ISBN 978-2-8111-0480-1 .

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