The cat came back

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The cat came back (English original title: The cat came back ) is a youth novel by the American writer Hilary Mullins . The book was published in America in 1993, the German translation followed in 1999.


The Cat Came Back is about 17 year old Stevie. She is a boarding school student in her senior year and plays ice hockey on the side . Stevie has had a relationship with one of her teachers for a long time , where she suppresses the fact that he is only taking advantage of her and doesn't see her as a real partner. She also tries to avoid all other problems, namely that she is not up to the demands of her performance-related father and those of her classmates. Only when she meets Andrea, a new classmate, does she have the courage to face her problems. Over time she realizes that she sees Andrea as more than just a friend. She falls in love with her and leaves her teacher. There are also always indications that Stevie was sexually abused in her childhood and only through Andrea can she build up a healthy self-confidence again and openly confess her homosexuality .


Hilary Mullins was interviewed for Sex Etc. , an American student magazine . Here is an excerpt:

Question : What was the motivation for writing this book?

Hilary Mullins : I wanted to show that there are ways to change your life, that it is possible to get behind the true nature of things and act accordingly.

Question : What is the thought process of a victim of sexual abuse ?

Hilary Mullins : Sexual abuse taught me to disregard my feelings. When someone abuses you, they show you that your feelings are worthless, that they are irrelevant. You develop a feeling of worthlessness. That determines all of your relationships. I know that from my own experience.
