The country post

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Landpost was the name of a weekly agricultural magazine . It was particularly widespread in Baden-Württemberg, also in Bavaria, Hesse and the five new federal states.

The weekly newspaper was independent of agricultural policy and dealt with topics such as agricultural policy , animal husbandry , crop production , organic farming , special crops and information from the Association of the Agricultural Industry (VdAW) eV The Landpost also contained current data on the animal and financial market and presented innovations from industry and business. In a separate section for rural women, recipes, topics relating to home and garden, family and health, and a serial novel were published.

The association also kept in contact with its members via the rural postal service, who received this magazine free of charge through postal newspaper sales. It was not only intended as a means of information, but also gave all members the opportunity to comment on current issues through a “letter to the editor”. Association employees were also available for telephone inquiries.

The magazine appeared in the Dr. Neinhaus publishing house . It was first published in 1946 and had a circulation of around 20,000 copies. She was discontinued at the end of 2015. The day of publication was Saturday. The management was Erich Reich, the editor-in-chief was Christina M. Dußle.

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