The return of the orcs

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The Return of the Orcs is a novel published by Michael Peinkofer in 2007 by Piper Verlag . It is about the two orc brothers Rammar and Balbok, who go on an adventurous mission through Peinkofer's fictional world of the earth and experience all kinds of adventures. The book also marks the beginning of the five-volume series of books about the two orc brothers and, together with the trilogies "The Magicians" and "The Kings", an eleven-volume Earth World series.

Plot Book I: Kasla Ur'Shakara (The Map of Shakara)


In the prologue, essential facts about Peinkofer's fictional world are given. While the elves gradually leave the world for the southern shore, the other races - gnomes, orcs, humans and z. T. the last elves - bloody wars for the fate of the world. The earth world threatens to sink into chaos and the awakening of a dark force is announced.

Chapter 1: Iomash Namhal (Many Enemies)

Rammar and Balbok are sent by their leader Girgas to scout out the troop strength of the hostile gnomes. When Balbok is just about to count the gnomes, however, they are discovered and pursued. They run back to their leader, which puts the enemy on his trail. A battle ensues in which Rammar can hide in a crevice.

Meanwhile, at another location, a mysterious force gives the order that the gnomes should kill all but one of the orcs.

Chapter 2: Eugash Koum (Headless)

When the noise of the fight stops, Rammar comes out of hiding. He notes that apparently only he and his brother Balbok - whom he surprisingly finds again - survived the carnage. When they look for Girga's corpse to take his head with them (it is an orcish custom to shrink the head of a fallen captain in the ritual of the so-called shrouk-koum ), they find that the gnomes have taken it away. The Orc Brothers realize that it is a shame for them to return to their home village without Girgas' head.

They return to their bolboug (their home village) and are taken to their chief Graishak. He is not very pleased that the orcs did not bring the head of their fallen leader with them. Under threat of death, Graishak sends them out to look for Girgas' head and bring it to him. He gives them an ultimatum: by the blood moon (fourth orc month) they should have returned with their heads, and he will give them life. They leave their village under the mockery of the other orcs.

Chapter 3: Oshda Ur'Brunirk'hai

After an argument, Rammar separates from his brother and goes his own way. In doing so, however, he falls into a trap of the gnomes. They then want to take him to a rark , an orcish fortress. But before they reach their goal, Balbok comes back and with the help of his brother, whom he freed from the clutches of the gnomes, he succeeds in defeating them. They decide to go to the old orc citadel the next day, because they suspect the hiding place of the gnomes - and thus of the head they are looking for - there.

Chapter 4: Korzoul Ur'Dhruurz (Wizard's Castle)

The orc brothers invade the citadel, but are overwhelmed by the gnomes. You will then find yourself in the dungeon of the castle. There they meet Rurak, an old wizard, who suggests a deal. By entering the northern elven temple of Shakara and stealing a card from there in order to stay alive in return and to get the head of their captain back. Rammar and Balbok finally agree.

Chapter 5: Ur'Torga Sgudar'Hai (Torga's Guts)

The orcs leave Rurak's fortress and their home, the Modermark, and arrive at Torga's bowels , a rocky and rugged landscape in the north of their home. It starts to rain and they take refuge in a dark cave. There they are surprised by a giant spider and an unexpected fight ensues, which the two orcs barely survive. Happy to have finally defeated the spider, they begin to laugh at the end of this chapter.

Chapter 6: Bogash-Chgul'hai (Swamp Spirits)

After leaving the rocky area, you will reach the Northern Marshes . When they are separated from each other by a fog, the ghouls, evil swamp spirits, outsmart them by taking on the form of the other brother. There is another fight. In the end, Balbok and Rammar find each other again and can go their way unhindered.

Alannah, high priestess of Shakara, is tormented by boredom. Every day she has to attend a ceremony to receive an ancient instruction. She herself is slowly finding her lot monotonous and sometimes she even detests it.

Chapter 7: Feusachg'Hai Ann Iodashu (Beards in the Night)

On the sixth day of their march through the swamps, Rammar and Balbok reach the north wall, a gigantic mountain range that separates the marshland from the white desert , a huge ice landscape. There they meet a group of dwarves and a human. They talk about a secret tunnel through the mountains of the north wall through which they regularly smuggle goods to trade with the ice barbarians, the inhabitants of the White Desert . Rammar and Balbok listen to their conversation and hide on the ox carts that are supposed to transport the goods.

Orthmar, Orthwin's son, brings them unmolested to the other side of the mountain range, where he sells all his goods, including the orcs hiding in them, to the ice barbarians. The orc brothers are loaded onto an ice sail , the primary means of locomotion for the ice barbarians, and driven through the eternal ice.

Chapters 8 and 9: Darr Aochg'Hai (blind fellow travelers) and Toumpol Ur'Shakara (The temple [of] Shakara)

The two orc brothers are exposed as stowaways. In a battle they finally manage to take over the ice sailor - whereby they also have to slaughter an angry berserker - and thus find a means of transport that can take them directly to the temple of Shakara.

The journey through snow and ice only takes a single day. When they arrive at the temple, they manage to throw a barbed rope through a window. Balbok can pull himself up on it and penetrates the elven keep.

Alannah, not knowing that fiends have invaded the consecrated fortress, longs for her great love, Loreto, the prince of Tirgas Dun , a southern port city.

Chapters 10 and 11: Kiod Ur'Sul'Hai-Coul (theft of an elf) and Buunn's Ruchg (mountain gorge)

Rammar, too, can finally pull himself up on the rope and join his brother. They meet on a narrow eye , as they call the elves, they kurzherhand capture and questioning. He explains to them that the map they are looking for does not exist materially, but that the high priestess, Alannah, has the map in her mind. So Rammar and Balbok go to the core of the temple of Shakara with the bound and gagged elf, from whom they can be explained the way. There they watch the ceremony. However, when Balbok briefly removes the gag from the prisoner, he lets out a mad cry, with the orc dropping him into the hall of the ceremony. A seemingly hopeless battle ensues between the two orcs and dozens of elves. Finally, the two orc brothers manage to kidnap the elf priestess. They manage to open Shakara's great portal, which is closed by magical power, and thus escape. When they have left the ice temple with the elf and want to flee by ice sailing, the temple guards pursue them with polar bears. Rammar and Balbok manage to kill and shake off the pursuers, with Alannah, who sees the chance to escape the ice temple and their boring, monotonous life, willingly helps them. It also tells them where to find a suitable place to cross the impregnable north wall. Meanwhile, Alannah is increasingly revolting against her kidnappers - and yet also liberators. At a bridge that neither Rammar nor Balbok want to cross, she suddenly runs away from them, whereupon the orcs chase after her. The bridge collapses under their weight and everyone falls into the raging river below. There Rammar can save the elf and his brother from the current and later they can pull themselves ashore. When they are about to move into their night quarters, they notice that someone is watching them. Balbok pursues the unknown, but does not find him. He returns to the camp. Rammar becomes suspicious and demands that the others be extra vigilant.

Plot Book II: Bourtas Ur'Tirgas Lan (The Treasure of Tirgas Lan)

Chapter 1: Komanash Ur'Bourtas-Koum (Bounty Hunter)

Corwyn is a western man who became a bounty hunter after his wife Marena was murdered by an orc. He spies out the orcs and the elf and decides to catch the fiends and sell them as slaves, but to free the elf and ensure her gratitude.

When Corwyn lays the wrong track, the orcs fall into a trap.

When the two finally come to, they find themselves in the power of the bounty hunter. He learns about the map that leads to the treasure of Tirgas Lan, an old elf castle in the vast forest of Trowna, and decides to go there with the elf to recover the legendary treasure of the castle. He says he and his wife Marena heard about the map and the elf priestess and the treasure and it was only Marena's curiosity about these things that led to her death. That's why he doesn't want her to die because of a lie. He lets the orcs live to take them with him as treasure carriers; so the orcs escape a fate as slaves in the mines.

In Tirgas Dun, Aylonwyr, the head of the city council, learns of the events in Shakara. He commands Alannah's lover Loreto, who was actually already about to leave the earth world in the direction of the Far Shores, so as to take up her trail and free her. In his stead, Aylonwyr sails across the sea.

Chapters 2 and 3: Feusachg'Hai Ann Abhaim (beards in / on / on the river) and Koll Ur'Trowna (The Forest of Trowna)

The Orcs, Corwyn and Alannah cross the Scaria Plain, which stretches between the Trowna Forest and the Northern Mountains. On the way, they meet Orthmar again, who wants to settle an outstanding bill with Corwyn (Corwyn robbed one of his trading camps and kidnapped Orthmar's daughter). In return, he agrees to let Rammar and Balbok move on with the elf. But Balbok reveals that he and his brother smuggled into the White Desert on Orthmar's column , whereupon the dwarf also has them seized because the orcs have destroyed all trade relations with the ice barbarians. The three are captured by the dwarves and are to be executed, but Alannah can free them.

They penetrate the forest of Trowna, defeat a forest troll and get deeper and deeper into the dense jungle.

Chapters 4 and 5: Bol Ur'Sul'Hai-Coul (City of Elves) and Korzoul Ur'Bas (Castle of Death)

Loreto goes up the Glanduin River to the Scaria plain with a fleet . He wonders if protecting Alannah's secret would also mean killing her - his lover.

The four companions arrive at the ancient city of Tirgas Lan, which is covered by a curse that can only be lifted by someone opening the great gate. Against all odds, it's no one other than Balbok who can do it.

Loreto meanwhile meets the dwarfs under Orthmar's leadership who join him at the end of a negotiation.

The companions reach the citadel in the middle of the city. When Rammar, blinded by the shine of the treasure, reaches for the elven crown, there is a rumble. Shortly afterwards gnomes appear and then the orcs from their bolboug under Graishak's leadership. Finally Rurak joins them too.

Chapters 6, 7 and 8: Ur'Dhruurz Tull (The Wizard's Return), Ann Kunnart Ur'Kro (In Danger of Death) and Oinsochg! (Attack!)

Rurak explains that he had constantly watched the orcs on their way through the standard he had given them on their travels and which Balbok had never lost. Eventually his minions - Graishaks Orcs - take Alannah as well as Rammar and Balbok prisoner and leave Corwyn alone with Rurak.

Rurak seeks Rammar and Balbok in the dungeon and explains to them that they are both elves - or rather: related to them - and therefore were able to open the magical gates of Shakara and Tirgas Lan.

Corwy has also been captured and chained.

Loreto, meanwhile, forms a new alliance with Orthmar, the leader of the dwarf troop, and marches towards Tirgas Lan.

The Orcs and Corwyn (who realized that none other than Graishak had killed his Marena) are making plans to escape.

Alannah is brought to Rurak, who wants to ram a dagger into her chest in the moonlight to enable the return of the dark ruler Margok. He learns that a force is on the way to Tirgas Lan.

The elves attack the city and fight a battle at night, and manage to advance to the citadel. where they meet bitter resistance. With a heavy heart Loreto gives the order for the elves to retreat.

Chapters 9, 10 and 11: Ounchon-Airun (Brain Iron), Ur'Kurul Lashar'Hai (Kurul's Flames) and Ur'Moror Tull (The Return of the Ruler)

Rurak sinks into deep meditation and receives instructions through a dark voice. He now wants to sink the blade into Alannah's chest, but he doesn't get that far, because Rammar, Balbok and Corwyn, who were able to free themselves, keep him from it. You can escape with the elf.

Corwyn takes on Graishak, whom he eventually kills. He himself, weakened by gnome poison, is only revived by Alannah.

Then Rurak joins in, who in the next moment transforms into the dark ruler Margok in front of the four companions. He is killed by the Dragnadh, a dragon creature that lives in the depths of Tirgas Lan. With that the battle is won.

The elves under Loreto's leadership, who had already left the city in a hurry, take heart and defeat the last henchmen of evil.

In the treasury, Balbok and Rammar Ruraks find - supposedly - lifeless bodies. When this begins to stir again, the Dragnadh falls down and devours him.

During the subsequent meeting between the companions and Loreto, it turns out that Corwyn is the rightful king of Tirgas Lan, because the crown of Farawyn hovers over Loreto's head and lands on his. Thus Corwyn becomes the new king of Tirgas Lan.

In one of his first acts, Corwyn banished Loreto from the city for his questionable, selfish behavior. He leaves a part of the treasure to Rammar and Balbok.


In the epilogue it is reported that Rammar and Balbok, laden with treasure, are on their way to their bolboug .

Literature by Michael Peinkofer for the Erdwelt series

  • Return of the Orcs (Piper 2007)
  • The Orcs' Oath (Piper 2010)
  • The Law of the Orcs (Piper 2010)
  • Rule of the Orcs (Piper 2013)
  • The Honor of the Orcs (Piper 2016)
  • The Wizard (Piper 2011)
  • The Sorcerers - The First Battle (Piper 2011)
  • The wizards - the dark fire (Piper 2012)
  • The Kings (Piper 2013)
  • Clash of Kings (Piper 2014)
  • Victory of Kings (Piper 2015)

Individual evidence

  1. Michael Peinkofer: The return of the orcs . 3. Edition. Piper, Munich 2012, ISBN 978-3-492-26650-5 , pp. 4 .
  2. Michael Peinkofer: The return of the orcs . 3. Edition. Piper, Munich 2012, ISBN 978-3-492-26650-5 , pp. 13-15 .
  3. Michael Peinkofer: The return of the orcs . 3. Edition. Piper, Munich 2012, ISBN 978-3-492-26650-5 , pp. 16-32 .
  4. Michael Peinkofer: The return of the orcs . 3. Edition. Piper, Munich 2012, ISBN 978-3-492-26650-5 , pp. 33-58 .
  5. Michael Peinkofer: The return of the orcs . 3. Edition. Piper, Munich 2012, ISBN 978-3-492-26650-5 , pp. 59-78 .
  6. Michael Peinkofer: The magicians . tape 1 . Piper, Munich 2011, ISBN 978-3-492-26732-8 . Volume 2: The magicians - the first battle. 2011, ISBN 978-3-492-26813-4 . Volume 3: The Sorcerers - The Dark Fire. 2012, ISBN 978-3-492-26855-4 .
  7. Michael Peinkofer: The return of the orcs . 3. Edition. Piper, Munich 2012, ISBN 978-3-492-26650-5 , pp. 79-96 .
  8. Michael Peinkofer: The return of the orcs . 3. Edition. Piper, Munich 2012, ISBN 978-3-492-26650-5 , pp. 97-110 .
  9. Michael Peinkofer: The return of the orcs . 3. Edition. Piper, Munich 2012, ISBN 978-3-492-26650-5 , pp. 111-128 .
  10. Michael Peinkofer: The return of the orcs . 3. Edition. Piper, Munich 2012, ISBN 978-3-492-26650-5 , pp. 129-150 .
  11. Michael Peinkofer: The return of the orcs . 3. Edition. Piper, Munich 2012, ISBN 978-3-492-26650-5 , pp. 151-182 .
  12. Michael Peinkofer: The return of the orcs . 3. Edition. Piper, Munich 2012, ISBN 978-3-492-26650-5 , pp. 183-250 .
  13. Michael Peinkofer: The return of the orcs . 3. Edition. Piper, Munich 2012, ISBN 978-3-492-26650-5 , pp. 251-290 .
  14. Michael Peinkofer: The return of the orcs . 3. Edition. Piper, Munich 2012, ISBN 978-3-492-26650-5 , pp. 291-346 .
  15. Michael Peinkofer: The return of the orcs . 3. Edition. Piper, Munich 2012, ISBN 978-3-492-26650-5 , pp. 347-390 .
  16. Michael Peinkofer: The return of the orcs . 3. Edition. Piper, Munich 2012, ISBN 978-3-492-26650-5 , pp. 391-438 .
  17. Michael Peinkofer: The return of the orcs . 3. Edition. Piper, Munich 2012, ISBN 978-3-492-26650-5 , pp. 439-486 .