The return of Filip Latinovicz

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The Return of Filip Latinovicz (Croatian: Povratak Filipa Latinovicza ) is one of the most important works by the Croatian writer and poet Miroslav Krleža . The original edition in Croatian appeared in 1932.


The Return of Filip Latinovicz is about the collapse of Croatia's higher society in the period after the First World War. The painter Filip Latinovicz is returning to his Croatian home village after spending more than a decade abroad. There he hopes to break away from a creative crisis and paint pictures again. In his head there is emptiness and the loathing of the world, most of the people and all the "mud" . The encounter with his mother, the milieu of the high society in which she socializes, develops however unpleasant for him; he does not succeed in resuming his work. His crisis intensified when he met the nihilist Kyriales, a well-traveled and multilingual Caucasian Greek. With his Latinovicz 'superior logic, the latter “proves” to him the nullity of his (artistic and social) ideas.


Krleža's language in this novel is rich in metaphors and refers to the sensory perception of the painter Latinovicz, who wants to summarize his acoustic and visual sensory impressions in his painting and repeatedly gets into long, free associations shaped debauchery.


  • The return of Filip Latinovicz . Translation from Serbo-Croatian by Martin Zöllner. Berlin: Verlag Volk und Welt, 1971 / Königstein: Athenaeum, 1984. ISBN 3-7610-8341-6 .
  • The return of Filip Latinovicz . Translation from Serbo-Croatian by Klaus Detlef Olof. Klagenfurt: Wieser, 2008. ISBN 978-3-85129-737-9 .

Secondary literature

  • Mladen Engelsfeld: Interpretacija Krležina romana "Povratak Filipa Latinovicza" . Zagreb: Liber, 1975.
  • Miroslav Šicel: Pisci i kritičari: studije i eseji iz hrvatske književnosti . Zagreb: Ljevak, 2003. ISBN 953-178-558-9 .
  • Andreas Leitner: Miroslav Krleža's “Return of Filip Latinovicz” and Rainer Maria Rilke's “Notes of Malte Laurids Brigge”. In: Zagreb Germanistic Contributions 2 (1993), pp. 77–88.
  • Miroslav Krleža: The return of Filip Latinovicz. In: Der Spiegel . No. 50 , 1961 ( online - December 6, 1961 ).
  • Article for novel in the period from October 5, 1984