The canyon of the free dogs

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The Canyon of the Free Dogs Cover Front.jpg

The story The Gorge of the Free Dogs (title of the original edition: До свидания, овраг ) is one of the best-known works by the Russian children's and youth author Konstantin Sergienko (1940–1996) and is considered a Soviet bestseller. Based on the book published in 1979 , the cartoons 'Auf Wiedersehen, Schlucht' ( До свидания, овраг ) (1981) and ' Die Hundepforte ' ( Собачья дверца ) (2007) were produced. The material has been repeatedly adapted for theatrical performances and musicals and is part of the classic repertoire of Russian youth theater.


A pack of stray dogs has settled in an abandoned ravine on the edge of the big city. They see themselves as free dogs, but their freedom is often just the freedom to starve. They enjoy not having to be told by anyone, despise the "unfree dogs" who let themselves be led around by the collar for a little sausage, but are constantly harassed by hunger and dog catchers. What unites them is the longing for freedom and love, which allows them to defy all the adversities of their dog life. At the center of this colorful society is Stolzi, the protagonist and narrator of the story, who loves his freedom more than others and yet dreams of "his" person who gives him love and security.


“A heart-rending, joyful and emotional story about a pack of homeless dogs on the outskirts of the city, whose heroes never give up their dream of happiness despite all the adversities of their“ dog life ”. A story about the joys of freedom and freedom, and the dream of finding a real home without having to submit. A story for children and adults that leaves neither the seven-year-old nor the seventy-year-old reader indifferent. "


“A pearl from Russia. (...) It is nice that such wonderful pearls of Russian literature are made available to us. "

- Helga Fitzner : Review on

“The book The Gorge of the Free Dogs by Konstantin Sergienko is actually a book for children and young people. Nevertheless, it also fascinates the older generation, because it is actually written for all age groups and also timeless. "

- Review on


The play Free DOGS (title of the original edition: Прощай овраг) is based on the story The Gorge of the Free Dogs .


  • Konstantin Sergienko: До свидания, овраг, 1979
  • Konstantin Sergienko: The Gorge of the Free Dogs . Artem Verlag, Cologne 2013, translated by Lars Nehrhoff, illustrator Michael Blechmann, ISBN 9783943974027 .
  • Konstantin Sergienko: Vrije honden . Artem Verlag, Cologne 2015, language: Dutch / Nederlands, format: ebook (original title: The gorge of the free dogs, translated by Ludo Eijkelkamp, ​​illustrator Michael Blechmann), ISBN 9783943974065

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. (May 2, 2017): A pearl from Russia (accessed on August 31, 2017)
  2. The Gorge of the Free Dogs by Konstantin Sergienko (accessed on August 31, 2017)
  3. Theater (accessed on August 30, 2017)