The twelve lazy servants

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The twelve lazy servants is a story of lies ( ATU 1950). It is in the children's and house fairy tales of the Brothers Grimm from the 7th edition from 1857 at position 151 (KHM 151 *) and comes from Adelbert von Keller's carnival games from the 15th century . The preceding The Three Lazy bears the same number .


Twelve servants lie on the grass and, one after the other, tell each other exaggerated examples of how lazy they are.

Compare: KHM 151 The three lazy ones , KHM 162 The clever servant , KHM 164 The lazy Heinz .


The story was only inserted in the seventh and final edition of Children's and Household Tales from 1857 in addition to the preceding Die three Lazy people , which has been at this point since the first edition. The double numbering is unique, apparently the total number of 200 fairy tales should not be exceeded.

The comment by the Brothers Grimm reads: From Keller's carnival games of the 15th century, p. 562. 566. Cf. the fairy tale of the two servants from Bukowina in Wolfs Zeitschrift 1, 49. They made the rhymed original linguistically more modern prose and only left out the end.


  • Grimm, brothers. Children's and Household Tales. Last hand edition with the original notes by the Brothers Grimm. With an appendix of all fairy tales and certificates of origin, not published in all editions, published by Heinz Rölleke. Volume 3: Original Notes, Guarantees of Origin, Afterword. S. 247, 501. Revised and bibliographically supplemented edition, Stuttgart 1994. (Reclam-Verlag; ISBN 3-15-003193-1 )
  • Rölleke, Heinz (Ed.): Grimm's fairy tales and their sources. The literary models of the Grimm fairy tales are presented synoptically and commented on. 2., verb. Edition, Trier 2004. pp. 234–247, 566. (Wissenschaftlicher Verlag Trier; series of literature studies, vol. 35; ISBN 3-88476-717-8 )

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