Dietrich von Orgue

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Dietrich von Orgue ( French Thierry d'Orgue or Their d'Orguenes , Latin Theodoricus de Orca , * before 1174, † around 1207) was lord of Arsuf in the Kingdom of Jerusalem by marriage .

Dietrich was a presumably French knight who came to the Holy Land with the Third Crusade around 1190. Its origin is not known.

He was close to Count Henry II of Champagne , who rose to become King of Jerusalem in 1192 . This brokered him the marriage with Melisende, the heiress of the Arsuf rule .

With Melisende he had seven daughters who all died before him. So he was without an heir when he died around 1207. After his death, his widow married Johann von Ibelin , the "old gentlemen of Beirut ".

Individual evidence

  1. Cf. Bernard Hamilton: King Consorts of Jerusalem and their Entourages from the West from 1186 to 1250. In: Hans Eberhard Mayer (Ed.): The Crusader States as a multicultural society. Immigrants and minorities in the 12th and 13th centuries (= writings of the Historisches Kolleg. Colloquia. 37). Oldenbourg Wissenschaftsverlag, Munich 1997, ISBN 3-486-56257-6 , pp. 13–24, here p. 15.
  2. See Lignages d'Outre-Mer . Marciana Ms Francese 20, CC.LXXXVIII, p. 63.

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predecessor Office successor
Melisende Lord of Arsuf
(de iure uxoris )
around 1192–1207
John of Ibelin
(de iure uxoris)