Dinosaur Polo Club

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Dinosaur Polo Club is an Independent - game developer from New Zealand , founded by brothers Peter and Robert Curry in 2013. The game developer based in Wellington , New Zealand.


Peter and Robert Curry's employees include Chantelle Cole, Jair McBain, Niamh Fitzgerald, Blake Wood, Poppy de Read, Tana Hanoi and the Office Panda Sally (stuffed animal).

Developed games

Individual evidence

  1. a b About Dinosaur Polo Club. In: https://dinopoloclub.com/ . Retrieved June 8, 2020 .
  2. Mini Motorways on dinopoloclub.com. In: https://dinopoloclub.com/games/mini-motorways . Retrieved June 8, 2020 .
  3. Mini Motorways on dinopoloclub.com. In: https://dinopoloclub.com/ . dinopoloclub.com, accessed June 8, 2020 .