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Dinotopia is the title of a picture book by the American author James Gurney . It is a trunk word from dinosaurs and utopia ( utopia ).


On the island of Dinotopia, dinosaurs and humans live together in peaceful harmony of a jointly created high culture . In contrast to reality , the dinosaurs can sometimes talk in both picture books and feature films, but they can always communicate with people and thus participate in social life as full members. The dinosaurs have also developed their own written language. Peace and harmony is an essential part of dinotopian culture.

The law of Dinotopia is:

  1. Ein Wassertropfen hebt den Ozean an
  2. Es überleben alle oder keiner
  3. Waffen sind Feinde, auch für ihre Besitzer.
  4. Gib mehr, nimm weniger.
  5. Die Anderen zuerst, du selbst zuletzt.
  6. Beobachte, höre zu und lerne.
  7. Mach niemals zwei Sachen zugleich
  8. Singe jeden Tag.
  9. Übe deine Phantasie.
 10. Iß, um zu leben, lebe nicht, um zu essen.
 11. Finde das Licht

The first letters of the English code are sow good seed , which means something like “sow a good seed”, a kind of Bible equivalent. In the original English version, the last point is incomplete with this text, but begins with "Don't ..." - a resident of Dinotopia speculates that it could mean "not pee in the bathing water"; a memorandum especially for human inhabitants of Dinotopia.

Television series

A three-part television mini-series was published under the same title , the plot of which is based on that of the picture book and which is usually broadcast in two parts on German television.


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