Diodotos (son of Eucrates)

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Diodotos , son of Eucrates, was an Athenian politician at the time of the Peloponnesian War .

In 427 BC He was against Kleon's proposal to kill all adult male Mytileans after the submission of Mytilene and to enslave their wives and children. He represented the moderate party in Athens (which supported Pericles ' policy).

Diodotos' proposal prevailed on the second day in the Attic assembly, so that the policy pursued by Kleon of killing all citizens and enslaving all women and children could not be implemented. Only the 1,000 or so suspects whom Paches had brought to Athens (this was probably around 10% of the adult males in the insurgent cities in Lesbos ) were killed. The punishment was carried out without the associated legal process.

Apart from this one appearance nothing is known about Diodotos.


  1. ^ Thucydides : History of the Peloponnesian War / Book 3, 41 (2007, April 11). In Wikisource, The Free Library. Data retrieved 10:37, August 19, 2007, from wikisource
  2. ^ Thucydides : History of the Peloponnesian War / Book 3, 36. (2007, April 11). In Wikisource, The Free Library. Data retrieved 10:37, August 19, 2007, from wikisource
  3. Donald Kagan : The Peloponnesian War: Athens and Sparta in Savage Conflict 431-404 BC . HarperCollinsPublishers, 2003 (First published in the USA by Penguin Putnam 2003), p. 109.
  4. ^ Thucydides : History of the Peloponnesian War / Book 3, 49 (2007, April 11). In Wikisource, The Free Library. Data retrieved 10:37, August 19, 2007, from wikisource
  5. ^ Thucydides : History of the Peloponnesian War / Book 3, 50 (2007, April 11). In Wikisource, The Free Library. Data retrieved 10:37, August 19, 2007, from wikisource
  6. Donald Kagan : The Peloponnesian War: Athens and Sparta in Savage Conflict 431-404 BC , HarperCollinsPublishers, 2003 (first published in the USA by Penguin Putnam 2003), page 111.
  7. Donald Kagan : The Peloponnesian War: Athens and Sparta in Savage Conflict 431-404 BC , HarperCollinsPublishers, 2003 (first published in the USA by Penguin Putnam 2003), page 111.