Dispositive data

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Dispositive data are the data available in a company that support management in making decisions about the control or strategic direction of the company.

Obtaining the data

Dispositive data is mostly generated from the operational data of a company. These are, for example, data from the ordering systems, production, order processing or billing systems.

The operational data are often supplemented by externally obtained data. For example, cross-company statistics and market observations are important here.

Transformation of the operational data

Purely operational data can only support analyzes and strategic and controlling decisions based on them to a very limited extent. The operational data must therefore generally be condensed ( aggregated ) and made evaluable (stored) in the long term in order to be usable for decisions. Only after such conversion ( transformation ), the data can be used as dispositive data serve by making trends visible and are the basis for forecasts.

Storage and processing of data

The dispositive data are mostly prepared and made available in the form of a data warehouse .


HMD - Praxis der Wirtschaftsinformatik, Issue 222, December 2001, dpunkt.verlag GmbH, 69115 Heidelberg