Distributional solution

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A distributional solution or solution in the distributional sense is a distribution that has the same property for partial differential equations as the regular distribution generated by a classical solution . It generalizes classic solutions in the sense that for every classic PDGL solution, the associated distribution is a distributional solution.


Be a distribution, and

a linear partial differential operator . is called a distributional solution of the partial differential equation if and only if:

In this equation, a linear partial differential operator on distributions is understood.

If there is a distributional solution of , and there is a locally integrable function , so that (ie if there is a regular distribution that is generated by), then the function is sometimes also called (instead of ) a distributional solution.


Distributional solution from a classic solution

Is a classic solution from


so the regular distribution generated by it is always a distributional solution.

Classic solution from a distribution solution

Be , ie is a Green function for . If - times is continuously differentiable and - times continuously differentiable, and if then , where is the level of the highest derivative that occurs in, then is

a classic solution from



  • Lars Hörmander : The Analysis of Linear Partial Differential Operators. Volume 1: Distribution Theory and Fourier Analysis. Second edition. Springer-Verlag, Berlin et al. 1990, ISBN 3-540-52345-6 ( basic teaching of mathematical sciences 256).
  • Werner: functional analysis, chapter on locally convex spaces