Document Style Semantics and Specification Language

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Document Style Semantics and Specification Language ( DSSSL [ dɪsl ]) is a transformation and formatting language developed by James Clark for SGML documents, including XML . The language uses a subset of an ISO dialect of Scheme , a functional programming language that emerged from LISP . For its part, DSSSL is regarded as the predecessor of XSL and XSLT .

Reference literature

  • Document Style Semantics and Specification Language, ISO / IEC 10179: 1996, International Organization for Standardization, 1996
  • The relationship between the languages ​​DSSSL, CSS , XSL and XSLT is shown in Chapter 9 of the book XML in Practice by Behme / Mintert. The additional connection to markup languages ​​such as SGML , XML , HTML , XHTML can be found in the first chapter .

Web links

  • DSSSL by James Clark - A collection of links from the author of the ISO specification and developer of the most popular and widely used DSSSL engine "JaDE" (James' DSSSL Engine)
  • XML in Practice by Behme / Mintert contains an introduction [1] and DSSSL example programs
  • In best nerd fashion, there is also a DSSSL song to sing along to.