Doctor Johannes Faust

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Work data
Title: Doctor Johannes Faust
Original title: Doctor Johannes Faust
Original language: German
Music: Hermann Reutter
Libretto : Ludwig Andersen
Literary source: Puppet show "Doctor Faust"
Premiere: May 26, 1936
Place of premiere: Frankfurt am Main
Playing time: approx. 2 ¼ hours
Place and time of the action: Mainz and Parma in the 16th century
  • Doctor Johannes Faust ( baritone )
  • Wagner, his Famulus ( tenor )
  • Mephistopheles ( bass )
  • The Duke of Parma (tenor)
  • Bianca, Duchess of Parma ( soprano )
  • Hans Wurst ( Tenorbuffo )
  • Gretel (soprano)
  • The good spirit (soprano)
  • The Seneschal at the ducal court (tenor)
  • Balzer, the first reveler (tenor)
  • Riches, the second reveler (tenor)
  • Done, the third reveler (bass)
  • Schambes, the fourth reveler (bass)
  • Four market women, the wives of the drinkers (2 sopranos, 2 old men )
  • Three students from Kraków (tenor, baritone, bass)
  • Wood grouse (tenor)
  • Krumpschnabel (baritone)
  • Courtiers, students, children, people, good spirits, hellish spirits ( choir , ballet and extras)

Doctor Johannes Faust is an opera in three acts (five pictures) by Hermann Reutter . The libretto comes from Ludwig Andersen alias Ludwig Strecker the Younger . It is based on the old puppet show "Doctor Faust" in the version by Karl Simrock . The work had its world premiere on May 26, 1936 at the Städtische Bühnen Frankfurt am Main under the direction of Walter Felsenstein . A new version of the opera was first staged on June 8, 1955 in the Great House of the Württemberg State Theater in Stuttgart.


The opera takes place in Mainz and in Parma (Italy) in the first half of the 16th century.

first act

Image: Study in Faust's apartment in Mainz

Three students from Krakow visit Johannes Faust in his apartment in Mainz and bring him the desired magic book “Clavis Astarti de Magica”. As soon as the guests have left, Faust begins to study the book and with its help summons the spirits of hell. One of them is Mephistopheles. Faust makes a 24-year pact with him. During this period, Faust is allowed to enjoy all the glories of the world, but when the time has passed, his soul will belong to the lord of hell.

Transformation: ballroom in the castle

On the same day Mephistopheles brought Faust to the court of the Duke of Parma. He's having a party right now, and Faust knows how to entertain the company with his magic tricks. Of the images that he fakes the party, there is also one that shows the most beautiful lovers in the world: Paris and Helena. Because the Duchess herself asked him for this picture, everyone in Paris soon saw Faust and Duchess Bianca in Helena. The Duke is so enraged about this that he wants to stab Faust with his sword. Mephistopheles and Faust's servant Hans Wurst ensure that their protégé can escape with Bianca. The Duke furiously swears revenge on Faust.

Second act

Image: Schenke in Mainz (six years later)

Hans Wurst is in love with the landlady Gretel. The two of them dream of their impending wedding in high spirits. Four old revelers create a loud atmosphere until they are driven out to the pub by their nagging wives.

Faust joins them. He's tired of magic. He looks enviously at his former servant Hans Wurst. He regrets that he did not act like him and took a wife. Suddenly a young girl enters the tavern and Faust's gloomy mood gives way to cheerfulness. He desires the young beauty, but Mephistopheles thwarts his plans. Faust and the girl have just kissed when the prince of Hell has a group of young dancers and the Duchess of Parma appear, who perform a wild dance. The young girl is seized by the pull of the dance that she involuntarily has to join in, whether she wants to or not. The dance gets faster and faster, until at last the girl collapses and dies. While Faust sits down next to the dead girl, the devil triumphs.

Third act

Image: cemetery (again six years later)

Faust kneels down at his mother's grave and prays to God that he may deliver him from the devil's spell. But already this appears again and lets the goddess Venus appear, whereupon Faust again devotes himself to evil. When Faust wanted to hug Venus, she immediately disappeared again. The prince of Hell announces Faust's imminent end on earth, although only half the time has passed from the 24-year pact.

Transformation: town square with fountain

Faust is sitting at the edge of a well when, as the clock strikes, he realizes that it will be fifteen minutes from midnight. The three students from Krakow appear again and tell Faust that they have taken the magic book back for themselves. Mephistopheles appears punctually at midnight with some helpers. They take hold of his fist and pull him under fire and steam into the uncanny depths. The noise caused by this tears the citizens out of their sleep and lets them come out of their homes. Hans Wurst and his Gretel are also there. Now everyone is dancing and singing the sweets.


Like his colleague Werner Egk with his magic violin , Hermann Reutter had in mind to create a kind of folk opera with his doctor Johannes Faust . The music is moderately modern and is easy to understand for the listener. Many dance rhythms provide a welcome relaxation. Of the musical numbers are highlighted:

  • The Duke of Parma's oath of vengeance in the finale of the first act: Curse you, Johannes Faust! Wherever you go and stand, despair, torment and need!
  • Song of Hans Wurst in Gretel's tavern at the beginning of the second act: Hey, now a life begins! Hans and Gretel wife and husband - happy in the morning and happy in the evening like the pug in the straw!
  • Faust's command to the girl to dance: Dance, girl, for your life, which is blossoming in you at the moment. Your limbs' sweet tremors show what sinews glow in you!
  • The choirs of the spirits in the third act: Faust, prepare yourself to die ... and Faust, Faust, you are damned forever!
  • Hans Wurst's song shortly before the final: If he had taken a wife like me at one time, everything would certainly have turned out differently.
  • In the finale: What use is gold, intelligence and all knowledge if we have to go to hell with it in the end.