Village of Youth (title)

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The title Village of Youth was a joint state award of the German Democratic Republic (GDR) and the Free German Youth (FDJ) , which was given on March 12, 1987 by the Council of Ministers of the GDR by the head of the Secretariat of the Council of Ministers Kurt Kleinert in the form of a plaque of honor was donated. The title was given to communities that played an outstanding role in shaping and developing youth. Annually only 15 titles could be awarded on the occasion of the week of youth and athletes by the chairman of the council of ministers and the first secretary of the FDJ. A certificate, the roll of honor itself and a monetary bonus (3,000–5,000 marks) were associated with the award. The GDR Council of Ministers kept a register of the titles awarded.

Award requirements

The award of the title presupposed that:

  • the FDJ basic organizations in the cooperatives, businesses and institutions as well as the basic village organizations of the FDJ had done an exemplary job, on the basis of which the annual youth promotion plans were supported and promoted and made a significant contribution to the development of the village
  • the youth took part in the activities of the local state organs, ensured their participation in the boards of the cooperatives and in the management of businesses
  • the planning tasks in agricultural production and the objectives of the economic initiatives of the FDJ were continuously met and deliberately outbid
  • the youth in the agricultural production cooperatives and the nationally owned goods in the socialist competition in the movement fair of the masters of tomorrow , in youth objects and youth brigades, had achieved outstanding achievement
  • the young people actively participate in the citizens' initiative. More beautiful our cities and municipalities - join in! was included and achieved exemplary results in the implementation of the site design concept
  • the responsibility for the recruitment and training of the next generation for the agricultural professions by the local cooperatives and nationally owned goods in cooperation with all social forces was fulfilled in an exemplary manner
  • With the support of the youth in the village, good working and living conditions, in particular through the creation of living space, especially for young marriages and graduates, as well as the provision of the necessary places in the children's facilities were guaranteed
  • the youth of the village designed a rich intellectual, cultural, sporting and military sport life and the necessary conditions existed, such as youth club facilities and opportunities for regular dance and sporting activities

Authorization to propose

The chairmen of the district councils together with the secretariats of the district leaderships of the FDJ were entitled to make proposals. The proposals had to be submitted to the GDR Council of Ministers by March 1 of each year. The Office for Youth Issues at the GDR Council of Ministers then checked, in agreement with the Central Council of the FDJ, that the award requirements were met. The subsequent proposals of the municipalities selected for the title were then coordinated with the National Council of the National Front of the GDR, the Central Board of the Association of Mutual Peasant Aid and the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Food Management. The final award proposals had to be submitted to the Presidium of the Council of Ministers and the Secretariat of the Central Council of the FDJ for confirmation.


The rectangular plaque was made of metal and measured 50 cm × 30 cm. It showed the state coat of arms of the GDR and the emblem of the FDJ on its front in the upper half. Below it read : VILLAGE OF YOUTH and below it again the year of the award. The plaque of honor could be placed publicly, usually at the community hall. The back of the roll of honor was kept smooth.

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Announcement of the regulations on the award of the title Dorf der Jugend dated March 12, 1987, printed in the GDR Law Gazette Part I, Issue 6 of March 23, 1987, pages 48 and 49