Drella's Dream Drops

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Drella's Dream Drops
Drella's Dream Drops
Drella's Dream Drops
General information
founding 1989
Website www.dream-academy.de/
Founding members
Louis F. Schürmann, Ulrike Miesen-Schürmann

Drella's Dream Drops is a dark wave band that was founded in 1989 by Louis F. Schürmann (Louis F.) and Ulrike Miesen-Schürmann (Angel U.).

The band initially played a repertoire of compositions with mainly dark wave elements in the line-up of guitar, keyboards and vocals . The first LP "Northern Atmosphere" with the flip-side hymn "Nico" led the band in the early 1990s beyond the borders of Germany to Velvet Underground and Nico Memorial Festivals. B. also in the Czech Republicsupported political change. In 1993 the CD "An Opera of Life" followed with rock songs and expressive ballads. In the following years Drella's Dream Drops supported the band project Street Hassle from which the CDs "Poolside Punishment" 1996 and "The Moment You Fall In Love" 1999 emerged. In 2001 Drella's Dream Drops released the CD "Harbor Blues", which again had many rock elements.

In 2004 a CD was released with "The Remains Of Two Strange Years" which attracted attention in the singer / songwriter camp. Further band projects by Louis F. then shaped the next few years (including Walzenstuhl, Golden Stone Walls and Canna). Drella's Dream Drops are currently working on a song cycle with the working title "Rhythm & Eggs". The first CD single for this cycle was released in October 2011 with the songs "Yearning for Home and" Closing Time ", followed in May 2014 with the CD single" ... on a swing ... "the songs" Ray of Hope "," Early Morning Birds "and" Swinging on a Swing ". At the end of 2014, work began on a meditation CD, which was released in January 2015 under the title" Chakras - Meditation ".


  • 1989 LP "Bremen Under Cover" 1 song contribution
  • 1991 LP "Northern Atmosphere"
  • 1993 CD "An Opera Of Life" Part I - III
  • 1996 CD "Poolside Punishment" project Street Hassle
  • 1999 CD "The Moment You Fall In Love" Project Street Hassle
  • 2001 CD "Harbor Blues"
  • 2004 CD "The Remains Of Two Strange Years"
  • 2011 CD single "Yearning for Home" / "Closing Time"
  • 2014 CD single "... on a swing ..." Songs: "Ray of Hope" "Early Morning Birds" "Swinging on a Swing"
  • 2015 CD "Chakras - Meditation"

Web links
