Third party debtor

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Third party debtor is the debtor of a seized claim in enforcement law or, in the case of assignment, the debtor of an assigned claim.


The third-party debtor is therefore the debtor of the debtor of the attachment creditor or assignment creditor ( assignee ) who operates the attachment or carries out the assignment. The term “ third party debtor” serves to distinguish it from the enforcement debtor or debtor who is the creditor with regard to the attached / assigned claim . In addition, the term third-party debtor is also used in the banking sector when assigning security or pledging receivables for the same case constellation.


The seizure of a claim is the delivery to the garnishee effective (§ § 828 et seq. ZPO ).

The third-party debtor has to inform the enforcement creditor within two weeks by means of the so-called third - party debtor's declaration (DSE) of the chances of success of the seizure ( Section 840 ZPO).

Individual evidence

  1. Carl Creifelds , Creifelds Legal Dictionary , 2000, p. 336