Duet (cigarette)

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Duett was a cigarette brand in the GDR . A box of 19 cigarettes cost 6 marks . It was the only variety there in 100 format, i.e. in the Super King Size format . Today the Duett branded cigarettes are mainly sold in the new federal states, in the old federal states they are a niche product. The Duett brand has asserted itself to this day despite the larger range of cigarette brands compared to GDR times. The characteristic of this brand cigarette is traditional blend, the packaging consists of a hard box. It is manufactured in Reemtsma's main plant in Langenhagen near Hanover, where more than 1,700 different tobacco products are manufactured and exported to more than 90 countries.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. http://www.ddr.center/preise/zigaretten.html , accessed on January 27, 2020
  2. These are 99 mm long, with most finished cigarettes being king size with a length of 83 mm. Source: http://www.reemtsma.com/das-unternehmen/produkte/alles-wissenswerte-ueber-zigaretten-co/ , accessed on January 27, 2020
  3. https://www.tabakpfeife24.de/Zigaretten-Feinschnitt/Zigaretten/AG-Zigaretten-Marken/Duett/ , accessed on January 27, 2020