Dulce de membrillo

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Argentinian facturas with dulce de membrillo
Dulce de membrillo

Dulce de membrillo or carne de membrillo in Spanish, codonyat in Catalan, Portuguese marmelada (from marmelo, quince ), German quince bread (also quince paste, quince pästli, quince bacon or quince cheese) is a dessert made from quince. It used to be an integral part of the Spanish and Portuguese Advent season or a simple sandwich .

Dulce de membrillo is a quince puree that has been boiled down with sugar or honey and solidifies after cooling. It is also produced as a by- product in the production of quince jelly , is sweet and aromatic and slightly sour and is similar in consistency, taste and use to the Brazilian goiabada , which is made from guavas . It is sold in the form of squares or bricks or cut into thin strips and is served on toast or sandwiches alone or with cheese, often with Manchego cheese for breakfast .

Web links

Commons : Dulce de membrillo  - collection of images, videos and audio files