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Dulum was a Bulgarian unit of area. Variously it is classified as an Ottoman measure . The measure was equal to the dunam in Palestine . Later it was upgraded to 1000 square meters or 10 ares . Forty Turkish Ellen ( arshin ) square were the measure.

  • 1 dulum = 919 square meters (also 919.3 square meters)

Individual evidence

  1. Hannes Grandits: Rule and Loyalty in Late Ottoman Society. Volume II / 37, Bölau Verlag, Vienna / Cologne / Weimar 2008, ISBN 978-3-205-77802-8 , p. 690.
  2. ^ Eduard Eichler: The judiciary of Bosnia and Hercegovina. KuK Staatsdruckerei, Vienna 1889, p. 63 (Reprint Verlag Рипол Классик, 2012, ISBN 978-5-87573-046-7 )