Crossover frequency

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Crossover frequency at approx. 4.3 kHz

The crossover frequency, common symbols , or as angular frequency with referred to, is defined as the frequency at which the magnitude of the loop gain of a control loop is equal to 1 or logarithmic 0 dB. This is equivalent to the frequency in the Bode diagram at which the amplitude response passes the abscissa or reaches the 0 dB line.

It can also be viewed as a measure of the speed of control loops. The rule here is that a high passage frequency means high speed.

See also


  • Heinz Mann, Horst Schiffelgen: Introduction to control engineering . 6th revised and expanded edition. Carl Hanser Verlag, Munich / Vienna 1989, ISBN 3-446-15355-1 , p. 21 and 133 f .