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Dvigu (द्विगु dvigu ) is a term from Sanskrit grammar that denotes a certain type of compound word . It is a subtype of the Karmadharaya compound, in which a numerical word appears in the fore term as an attribute of the final term. The compound expresses a collective unity, which is why it appears in the neuter (less often feminine ) singular .

The term "Dvigu" is also an example of this type of compound word and means "two cows". Further examples:

  • चतुर्युग catur-yuga (n.): "The four ages" ( Yugas )
  • त्रिलोक tri-loka (n.) Or त्रिलोकी tri-lokī (f.): "The three worlds"


  • Adolf Friedrich Stenzler : Elementary book of the Sanskrit language. 19th, through u. verb. Berlin, New York: De Gruyter, 2003.