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Dwifungsi ( German  double role , double function ) describes the ideological basis of the military in Indonesia . The doctrine justified the activities of the armed forces outside the military field, since it gave the military a "socio-political" role in addition to national defense .

Dwifungsi, initially developed as a “middle way” at an officers' college in the 1950s and 1960s, sees the Indonesian military neither as a tool in the tradition of Western states, nor as a dominant figure in a military regime such as in South American dictatorships, but as “people's power ". When Suharto came to power in 1966, Dwifungsi became official politics. The military were assigned key positions in state-run corporations, administration and the cabinet; Political activity by officers was not only permitted but encouraged.

This dual role was not limited to the self-perception of the military, but was also supported by the population.

With the democratization of Indonesia, Dwifungsi was officially abolished or restricted. Nevertheless, the military is still a massive power factor that is reluctant to move away from its own position.