Dynkin's π-λ theorem

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The Dynkin π-λ theorem (after Eugene Dynkin ) is a theorem from measure theory , a branch of mathematics . It makes a statement about the conditions under which two systems of sets coincide. For example, it serves as an aid in the principle of good quantities .


Let be a set system as well as the σ-algebra generated by the set system and the Dynkin system generated by the set system .

The statement now reads: If there is an average stable set system , then the σ-algebra it generates and the Dynkin system it generates agree. It then applies



The naming of the theorem follows from the fact that Dynkin systems are also called λ systems and sets systems with average stability are also called π systems. The theorem can thus also be formulated as follows: The generated σ-algebra of a π-system is equal to the generated λ-system of the π-system.

Evidence sketch

It is because every σ-algebra is a Dynkin system and the smallest Dynkin system that contains.

It then remains to be shown that . One shows that the Dynkin system is a σ-algebra. Then the Dynkin system contains the σ-algebra, since the Dynkin system contains the generator and is the smallest σ-algebra that contains the generator.

A Dynkin system is a σ-algebra if and only if it is stable on the average. So the average stability has to be shown. To do this, you define the system of auxiliary amounts


since is an average stable set system. Now you can show that there is also a Dynkin system. But since is and is true, then is .

Now one forms the second auxiliary set system of the average stable sets of the Dynkin system


By definition is then , but since according to the above statement, is also applies . Now it can be shown that a Dynkin system is also, so is and therefore also . Since, according to the definition, is stable to the mean, is also stable to the mean, i.e. a σ-algebra, which was to be shown.
