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E-Recruiting or E-recruitment is the support of recruitment through the use of electronic media and personnel systems. Ideally, all those involved in the application process are supported, i.e. the personnel department, the specialist department in the company as well as the applicant himself and, if necessary, additional potential participants such as B. Recruitment agencies and job exchanges .

E-recruiting improves the recruiting process: Correlation analyzes show that applications entered using an electronic form can increase the quality of data and applicants and reduce processing times and costs per application. The use of applicant management systems goes hand in hand with lower costs per application processed.

Recruiting channels

Recruitment is now dominated by e-recruiting channels: 87% of vacancies are advertised on the company's own website and 61.2% in internet job exchanges compared to 20.2% in print media. Most of the applications are received by companies via online job exchanges. The own career page follows in second place. Your own employees and their recommendations come in 3rd and 4th place. The same sequence also applies to the settings. The figures show that e-recruiting is the most important and effective tool for recruiting new employees today.

A distinction is made between the following channels in e-recruiting:

Online job boards

Companies can publish job advertisements on an online job exchange. An online job exchange is therefore a job market in which the operator provides job offers from employers by means of information retrieval and selection for placement. These online platforms now display a wide range of job advertisements. On job boards, costs usually only arise for employers for the placement of advertisements. Online job exchanges are usually free of charge for job seekers. Some job boards also specialize in certain industries, occupational groups or geographical areas.

Social media

Some large and many smaller companies regularly use social media as part of their recruiting. 12.7% of companies regularly place job advertisements on XING . Twitter (7.5%) Facebook (6.8%) and LinkedIn (6%) are used somewhat less often in this context. Furthermore, 12.9% of large German companies regularly use Facebook for the purpose of image advertising. 9.2% use Twitter and 8.3% YouTube regularly for this purpose . On Xing, 18% of all responding companies are regularly actively looking for suitable candidates, on LinkedIn 6%. Furthermore, 21.1% of the participants in the study use Xing regularly to search for information about candidates who have already been identified.

9.1% regularly use Facebook and 8.3% use StudiVZ / MeinVZ. Xing is the social media channel that is used most frequently by large companies in Germany. Only in the case of employer image advertising is another channel in the foreground, Facebook.

Mobile recruiting

Mobile recruiting uses approaches from mobile marketing and develops them further as instruments for recruiting and personnel marketing . It is an electronically supported form of recruiting in which communication with the potential applicants takes place using mobile devices (e.g. cell phone, smartphone, portable media player, tablet). With mobile recruiting, companies and recruitment agencies contact potential job candidates using mobile devices.

Application examples are mobile career websites, mobile job / career apps from companies or mobile applications from job boards. Further application examples are the communication of job information in social networks, which can be accessed via the mobile phone, as well as the use of mobile tagging on job advertisements and posters or the sending of career or job newsletters via SMS. In order to be reached by the companies, the applicants must first register with their mobile phone number with the job providers / companies and can then, for example, use real-time information on current job advertisements. In the course of the spread of smartphones and mobile Internet use, however, the relevance of the above-mentioned Internet-based solutions is increasing. According to a survey by BITKOM 2012, 24% of companies already have a mobile-optimized career website and 17% have their own career app. Innovative additional offers that specifically take into account the functionalities of mobile devices such as location-based services or augmented reality applications are also on the advance. Younger applicant target groups in particular are addressed via mobile recruiting, as they have a corresponding usage behavior and are highly active in mobile media, so that they can be easily reached via the mobile channel. In addition, young professionals who are equipped with smartphones and tablets and are also online anytime and anywhere represent a target group for mobile communication.

The goals of mobile recruiting are currently primarily to establish contact with and inform potential candidates. The application itself will usually be made on the stationary PC after the information phase. However, the first mobile solutions exist in which a resume stored on an online portal such as job exchanges or social business networks can be sent to companies via mobile device for the first contact.

Applicant management systems

Using electronic applicant management, applications can be processed much more quickly and conveniently. This means that, for example, paper applications can be scanned and received by the company in the form of traditional application folders. An e-recruiting system ideally maps the entire recruiting workflow . This includes the job advertisement and all communication between the company and the applicant up to the end of the recruitment process. Many different approaches are used to manage applicants. In-house developments lead the ranking with a little more than 20%, followed by personal databases and spreadsheet programs with approx. 15% and the first standard software SAP eRecruiting with approx. 14%. Other solutions follow with approx. 9% before Taleo with 8% and Peoplesoft with 7%. After all, 5% of the companies do not use any software solution.

The entire electronic personnel cycle (E-HR cycle) begins at the electronic interface between a company and potential employees - the company career website or a job posting in an online job portal. These paths are supplemented by placing advertisements on websites that are either topic-related or have corresponding traffic . This can be an advertisement for IT specialists in the online edition of a specialist magazine or a specialist article is used as a framework for an advertisement. In this way, latently searching applicants can also be reached while the online job markets only actively address searchers. In both cases, the aim is to collect personal data when applying from candidates.


  • Enrico Vollrath: E-Recruiting - current and future opportunities in the context of external recruitment. 1st edition. Grin Verlag, July 2011, ISBN 978-3-640-95497-1 .
  • A. Eckhardt, S. Laumer, C. Maier, T. Weitzel: The Transformation of People, Processes, and IT in E-Recruiting: Insights from an Eight-year Case Study of a German Media Corporation. In: Employee Relations. Volume 36, No. 4, 2014, pp. 415-431. doi: 10.1108 / ER-07-2013-0079

Individual evidence

  1. Klose 2003, p. 39.
  2. a b A. von Stetten, S. Laumer, A. Eckhardt, T. Weitzel, TA Kaestner, F. von Westarp: Recruiting Trends 2011 - An empirical study with the top 1,000 companies from Germany and the top 300 Companies from the financial services, IT and public service sectors. Research Report, Otto Friedrich University Bamberg and Goethe University, 2011. ( Summary )
  3. Quo Vadis Recruitment 2010? Institute for Competitive Recruiting.
  4. ^ M. Hils, J. Bahner: Electronic Human Resource Management (E-HRM) in Germany - Status and Development. Stuttgart 2005. (PDF)
  5. A. von Stetten, S. Laumer, A. Eckhardt, T. Weitzel, TA Kaestner, F. von Westarp: Recruiting Trends 2011 - An empirical study with the top 1,000 companies from Germany and the top 300 companies the financial services, IT and public service sectors. Research Report, Otto Friedrich University Bamberg and Goethe University 2011.
  6. W. Jäger, S. Böhm, S. Niklas: Addressing applicants becomes mobile. In: Personal. 09/2009, pp. 6-8.
  7. Employee search via smartphone. In: BITKOM. Dec. 15, 2012. ( www.bitkom.org ( Memento from February 22, 2014 in the Internet Archive ))
  8. a b W. Jäger, S. Böhm: "Mobile Recruiting 2011", empirical study on addressing applicants via mobile devices. RheinMain University of Applied Sciences. ( www.djm.de ( Memento from June 26, 2013 in the Internet Archive ))
  9. a b S. Böhm, S. Niklas: Mobile Recruiting: Insights from a Survey among German HR Managers. In: Proceedings of the 50th annual conference on Computers and People Research. 2011, pp. 117-122. (dl.acm.org)
  10. ^ I. Lee: An Architecture for a Next-Generation Holistic E-Recruiting System. 2007, pp. 81-85.
  11. Quo Vadis Recruitment 2010? Institute for Competitive Recruiting.