
from Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

eTourism (spelling often different, e.g. also e-tourism , English : eTourism ) describes the application of information and communication technologies , more generally the technological innovations, in the tourist environment.

This includes in particular all fields of application linked to the Internet such as e-business and e-government , but also generally the introduction of new hardware and software developments in tourism. For this purpose, eTourism analyzes all related business and economic processes and structures. The aim of eTourism is the digitization of the entire tourism value chain and the integration of the various tourism service providers in this process. The associated optimization of the processes in the tourism value chain leads to an improved competitiveness of the tourism industry.

A few key events are to be mentioned in the field of e-tourism in the German-speaking countries: ENTER conference, Barcamps on tourism ( tourism Camp , Camp ), focus eTourismus, E-Marketing Day or Online Marketing Day.


  • Dimitrios Buhalis: eTourism: information technologies for strategic tourism management. Harlow, Pearson Higher Education, 2003
  • Roman Egger: Basics of eTourism. Information and communication technologies in tourism. Sharker Verlag, Aachen 2005
  • Roman Egger, Dimitrios Buhalis: eTourism Casestudies. Elsevier, London 2008
  • Daniel Amersdorffer, Florian Bauhuber, Roman Egger, Jens Oellrich: Social Web in Tourism . Springer Verlag, 2010


  • Proceedings of the ENTER conference . ( IFITT )
  • Journal of Information Technology & Tourism. ( JITT )
  • eTourism - Reports from Science and Business ( ISSUU )