EU-standard electronic reporting format

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With the amendment of the Transparency Directive by Directive 2013/50 / EU, the EU Commission commissioned the European Securities and Exchange Commission ( ESMA ) in 2013 to approve an EU-wide uniform electronic reporting format for company accounts ( European Single Electronic Format , ESEF ) design. The aim of the regulation is to standardize financial statements and make them more easily available.


The uniform EU electronic reporting format is to apply to financial years beginning on or after January 1, 2020. As a rule, xhtml is intended as the report format . In IFRS consolidated financial statements, the information on the financial statements must also be "tagged" using iXBRL so that they can be read out automatically.

For companies, a considerable implementation effort is expected when the new format specifications are applied for the first time.


  • D. Jödicke, R. Jödicke: ESMA's final standard draft for the uniform electronic reporting format (ESEF). Operation 13/2018, p. 713.
  • C. Maier, IDW: Position paper on the further development of external reporting by capital market-oriented companies. Operation 44/2018, p. 2654.
  • M. Komarek: ESEF - Europe digitizes annual financial reports - ESMA proposes a uniform electronic reporting format that would make financial information from issuers machine-readable. WPg 11/2018, p. 693 ff.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Directive 2013/50 / EU
  4. Financial reporting: Are you ready for the ESEF? In: THE OPERATION . ( [accessed on November 25, 2018]).