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legal form profit company
founding August 24, 2008
Seat Leipzig
management Commercial director: Hubertus Jaeger (VWA),
theological director: Pastor Frank Eibisch
Number of employees approx. 2300 (2013)
sales 132 million euros (sales 2012)
Branch Healthcare
Website www.ediacon.de

The edia.con non-profit GmbH is a regional operator of hospitals, geriatric care and rehabilitation facilities, medical care centers and social facilities.

Deaconess hospital in Dessau

The name explains the basic concern of society: "e" stands for ekklesia = church, "dia" stands for diakonia = service to people, "con" stands for what the company has in common.

The aim of the shareholders is to organize diaconal work in a recognizable connection with the churches and in economic cooperation.


The history of the edia.con non-profit GmbH begins immediately after the fall of the wall and the reunification of Germany . At this point there were already considerations as to how Protestant hospital work in the new federal states, especially in Saxony and Saxony-Anhalt, could be made sustainable under the new circumstances. In a first step, there was a cooperation with the Diakoniefördergesellschaft Speyer / Dresden (DFG), which stood by with advice and action and paved the way for cooperation between the Evangelical Lutheran Deaconess Hospital Leipzig and the Evangelical Methodist Bethanien hospitals in Chemnitz , Leipzig and Plauen as well as the Deaconess Hospital Dessau .

In 1998 the Diakoniekliniken Leipzig non-profit GmbH was founded, the cornerstone for the coexistence of Ev.-Luth. Diakonissenhauses Leipzig and the Bethanien Hospital Chemnitz non-profit GmbH. When the Evangelical Methodist Hospital Bethanien Leipzig was brought in in 2000, 70% of the Ev. Diakonissenkrankenhaus Leipzig non-profit GmbH transferred to the new company. This was followed by engagement in Dessau in 2003. In 2006 the Ev. Diakoniegesellschaft Mitteldeutschland non-profit GmbH founded. The Bethanien Krankenhaus Chemnitz non-profit company took over the sponsorship of the specialist hospital for psychiatry and psychotherapy Bethanien Hochweitzschen.

In order to be able to cope with management and organization, consulting and services together and efficiently, the MSG Management- und Servicegesellschaft für Sozialeinrichtungen mbH was founded in 2002. This service provider also takes on tasks for institutions outside the edia.con group.

With the transfer of the shares of the subsidiaries in 2008, edia.con gGmbH then became the controlling company of all companies directly and indirectly affiliated with it. Since January 1, 2013, for the first time since the founding of edia.con, Hubertus Jaeger and Pastor Frank Eibisch, a businessman and a theologian, have headed the edia.con management. Edia.con has been based in Leipzig, the geographic center of the holding area, since November 2013. In 2014, Mr. Möllering, previously only responsible for the Leipzig hospital, was appointed regional manager of the North / East region.

The Agaplesion CJSC owns 25% of edia.con shares.

Fields of work

  • Full, partial and short inpatient treatment in hospitals and specialist clinics
  • Outpatient medical care
  • Outpatient and inpatient rehabilitation medicine
  • Outpatient and inpatient care
  • Patient care in day clinics
  • Operation of retirement and nursing homes
  • Hospice work
  • Services in the health and social sector
  • Management, operational management, restructuring and consulting activities in the health and social sector
  • Training in medical, commercial and manual occupational fields.

Companies and institutions

Deaconess Hospital Leipzig
Zeisigwaldkliniken Bethanien Chemnitz
Specialized hospital for psychiatry and psychotherapy Bethanien Hochweitzschen
  • Medical supply centers of edia.med
  • MSG management and service company for social institutions mbH.

Key figures

Edia.con currently employs around 2,300 people. In the last few years a steady increase in sales could be recorded. In 2012 the turnover was more than 132 million euros. With a capacity of 900 hospital beds, over 34,000 inpatients and over 48,000 outpatients are treated annually. In cooperation with other institutions, 75 kindergarten places are offered. In the area of ​​care for the elderly, edia.con and its partners have 246 places. In Dessau there is the Anhalt Hospice with eight places. The four medical care centers, together with their branches, are represented at a total of seven locations. Furthermore, the edia.con-Holding includes three vocational schools in Dessau, Leipzig and Chemnitz with a total of 222 training positions, in which training courses in health and nursing care, nursing assistance and geriatric care assistance are offered.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. http://www.ediacon.de/wir-ueber-uns/organisationsstruktur.html
  2. Press release from January 10, 2014
  3. http://www.ediacon.de/wir-ueber-uns/organisationsstruktur/geschichte.html
  4. http://www.ediacon.de/wir-ueber-uns/organisationsstruktur.html
  5. http://www.ediacon.de/wir-ueber-uns/organisationsstruktur/die-gesellschaft.html
  6. ^ Edia.con non-profit GmbH, edia.con non-profit GmbH - values, people, perspectives, 4th edition
  7. http://www.ediacon.de/wir-ueber-uns/organisationsstruktur/ediacon-in-zahlen.html