
from Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Effector (from Latin efficere , to effect) stands for:

  • Effector (physiology) , a success cell in a success organ (e.g. a muscle fiber in a muscle)
  • Effector (genetics) , a molecule that changes the ability of a regulatory protein to bind to DNA
  • Effector (biology) , generally molecules that cause protein conversions
  • Bacterial effector proteins , proteins that are injected into their host cells by bacteria.
  • Bioeffector , microorganism or active ingredient that increases the vitality of crops
  • End effector , the last element of a kinematic chain in robotics
  • Actuator , generally an element in technology that converts an input variable into a different output variable in order to produce a desired action or effect

See also:

Wiktionary: Effector  - explanations of meanings, word origins, synonyms, translations
Wiktionary: Effect  - explanations of meanings, word origins, synonyms, translations