Badge of honor of the Moscow Air District Command

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The plaque of honor of the Moscow Aviation Command was a non-wearable award of the German Air Force during the Second World War , which was donated by General der Flieger Veit Fischer in 1942 for members of the Moscow Aviation Command . Initially only intended as an award for services in the winter campaign of 1941/42 , however, a certificate of honor for special services 1942–1943 was also awarded. It is unclear whether this is a successor award along with an unknown badge or whether only the certificate of honor was awarded.

The brown plaque made from Böttger stoneware is 187 mm high, 126 mm wide and shows three onion domes on its front , which are reminiscent of the depiction of St. Basil's Cathedral in Moscow , which in turn are surmounted by the insignia of the Air Force with a sunbeam-like border. Under the onion domes is the three-line inscription: FOR ACTION / IM WINTERFELDZUG / 1941 - 1942 , with the year numbers flanked by laurel branches with fruits. Immediately afterwards follows the five-line inscription: DER KOMMANDIERENDE GENERAL / u. COMMANDER IN THE LUFTGAU / MOSKAU / Fischer , the latter as a facsimile and finally his rank GENERAL DER FLIEGER . The back of the plaque, apart from the central coat of arms of the Meissen porcelain factory and the inscription below: STAATLICH MEISSEN / BÖTTGER STEINZEUG , is smooth and empty and shows a hanging device in the form of five holes through which a thin rope for hanging can be drawn. The badge was handed out in a dark blue case with the corresponding award certificate.

Individual evidence

  1. Klaus D. Patzwall : The non-wearable medals and plaques of the air force. 1935–1945 (= Studies on the History of Awards. Vol. 5). Patzwall, Norderstedt 2008, ISBN 978-3-931533-04-5 , pp. 59-64.